Let’s face it – sometimes the work day just seems to drag on while you are seemingly getting nothing done. You are constantly playing with the items on your desk or surfing the web – maybe even reading this. No one likes to have an unproductive day at the office, so here are a few tips to get your head in the game. Set Deadlines. It will be easier to achieve more when you have a set time to finish by. Deadlines help us to procrastinate less and focus on the project at hand. Do it. Now. It is important to deal with things as soon as they arise. If you do it immediately, you won’t have a compounding list of things to get done by the end of the day. Prioritize. Is the project you are working on right now actually the most important to get done right now? Stop Multi-Tasking. We hear this often lately ; multi-tasking is rarely effective. No one – no, not even you – can effectively complete several items on your list at the same time. Unclutter Your Workspace. Whether you have office products lying out or your desk is covered in personal effects, these items lying out distract.
Playing with your office supplies and procrastinating on that big project won’t help your workday move any faster. Incorporate these ideas into your workday to help you get more done and feel accomplished at the end of each day.