Solutions For Your Office & Workplace
Spring Cleaning Today: What You Need to Know and Do
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Post-Covid Workplace, Facility Management
High Hygiene Expectations at Work: Are You Meeting Them?
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Stress-free Workplace, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips, Post-Covid Workplace, PPE, Facility Management, COVID protection
Employees Look for Pandemic Hygiene Protocols to Become Permanent
COVID Workplace Safety: 5 Strategies for Indoor Spaces
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips, Post-Covid Workplace, PPE, Facility Management, COVID protection
It’s been over a year since the first case of COVID-19 was documented in the United States and a global pandemic was declared. In that time, we’ve learned a great deal about how COVID spreads within the community, at home, at school, and in the workplace.
Miller’s would love to support your workplace. Let us know how we can help.