At Miller’s, we take the health of our staff, customers and community very seriously, and we wanted to share with you the steps we’re taking to ensure that everyone has the information they need to protect themselves from and prevent the spread of the COVID-19. We are actively following the CDC guidelines for workplace and commercial business and we are sharing those guidelines with you as well.
Normal Operating Schedules
All Miller’s locations are open and making deliveries on a normal schedule. While some sanitizing product is very limited, we are working hard and looking at all product sources to make sure you have the items you need. We thank you for your continued business and patience as we work with our partners to bring in additional inventory.
Miller’s is committed to helping our clients promote employee wellness. Here’s a recap of the most current advice from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on what you can do in the workplace to decrease the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Decreasing the Spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Workplace
Practice Good Hygiene
- Stop handshaking (use other non-contact methods of greeting)
- Clean hands at the door and schedule regular hand washing reminders by email
- Create habits and reminders to avoid touching their faces and cover coughs and sneezes
- Disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, desks and handrails regularly
- Increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning
Be Careful with Meeting and Travel
- Use videoconferencing for meetings when possible
- When not possible, hold meetings in open, well-ventilated spaces
- Consider adjusting or postponing large meetings or gatherings
- Asses the risks of business travel
Handle Food Carefully
- Limit food sharing
- Strengthen health screening for cafeteria staff and their close contacts
- Ensure cafeteria staff and their close contacts practice strict hygiene
Stay Home If
- They are feeling sick
- They have a sick family member in their home
Practice Good Hygiene
- Promote tap and pay to limit handling of cash
Avoid Crowding
- Use booking and scheduling to stagger customer flow
- Use online transactions where possible
- Consider limiting attendance at larger gatherings
For Transportation Businesses, Taxis and Ride Shares
- Keep windows open when possible
- Increase ventilation
- Regularly disinfect surfaces