“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” That’s the universal—and often repeated—question asked by every kid from the back seat of their parents’ car after just a few hours on the road heading toward a much-anticipated cross-country family vacation.
And while the safe return to work is also highly anticipated, getting there is going to take planning for the near-term and the long-term. Think of your Near-Term, Transitional Plan like a pit stop as you work toward your final destination of a Long-Term Sustainable Plan.
The Pit Stop: A Near-Term, Transitional Plan
There are three (3) immediate priorities that need your full attention as you bring your team safely back into the workplace:
Proactive Communications are Vital

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Stay 6 feet apart when possible. These are three universal practices, yet they’re often implemented differently from state-to-state and sometimes from business-to-business. That’s why you need to proactively communicate with your employees and your customers to avoid any confusion.
Help your team and customers comply with new rules while gaining confidence with the right communications and signage. Miller’s can help with both standard and customized floor-to-ceiling signage solutions.
Plexiglass Barriers are a Cost-Effective Solution

Plexiglass has become one of the go-to distancing solutions for retail and office spaces because of its effectiveness and cost-efficiency. The flexibility of plexiglass allows most businesses to reconfigure or retrofit their current workspace quickly, while providing important safety barriers between team members and customers.
Because of its popularity, lead times and demand for plexiglass is growing exponentially. The Miller’s Business Interiors Design Team can work with you to determine your exact needs now, and then secure those resources so they’re available when you’re ready.
PPE & Sanitation Cleaning Supplies are the New Workplace Staples

Many industries are still experiencing disruptions in the supply chain, but Miller’s is navigating through them to get our customers the products they need. We have many options, including alternative branded items or substitute solutions that deliver the same or superior results, to help disinfect your workplace and protect your teams. Let Miller’s' expertise in sourcing materials help you identify flexible solutions that will work in your specific situation.
The Final Destination: A Long-Term, Sustainable Plan
No one knows exactly how long COVID-19 is going to impact how people work, how kids learn, and how consumers shop. But we will eventually get to a place where we’ve achieved a new normal. And that new normal will undoubtedly include the hygiene practices implemented to-date so that we avoid another pandemic in the future.
These three (3) priorities will become an integral part of every workplace’s future best practices:
Regularly Replenishing Supplies
Once the current supply chain disruptions have become normalized and preferred items become available again, what are the brands and products you will need to properly manage your facility? Miller’s can help you put together a plan that ensures you have a regularly replenished supply of those necessities.
Reimagining the Workspace for Greater Efficacy
The number of distancing solutions coming to market is both impressive and immense. The Miller’s design team can help evaluate the best new solutions for your current workspace while also looking at reusing materials, reconfiguring furniture and retrofitting your space for the long-term to provide the confidence your team needs to work safely, comfortably and productively.
Rethinking the Breakroom & Bathroom with Touchless Solutions
When you bring people back into the office, things will definitely be different. From the breakroom to the bathroom, you will need new policies and solutions to help employees and customers manage through the workday.
Miller’s can audit your shared spaces, from the breakroom to the bathroom, and provide recommendations to offer touchless solutions for towels, coffee and refreshments.
Are You Ready to Get the Show on the Road?
Let us help you prep your workspace to be clean, organized and welcoming. Your Miller’s Account Manager can help you source and manage the products you need to bring your team back into the workplace safely. Contact us today.