Easy Ways to Boost Productivity at Work

by Miller's Supplies At Work

shutterstock_228140596Going to the same job for eight hours a day, five days in a row can quickly become routine. But don’t let your productivity slide because you’re used to doing ‘what you always do.’ To make sure that you are your most productive, happy and energized self in the workplace, follow these few simple suggestions. A small tweak here can help transform your workday habits. Don’t Multitask

Though it’s tempting to think that trying to accomplish multiple things at once is the ultimate in productivity, the opposite is true. By diverting your attention to emails, calls and reading over today’s meeting notes all at once makes it much more likely for mistakes and errors to creep into your work. You’ll inevitably have to go back to fix these mistakes, which requires even more time spent on these activities. Keep a single to-do list, focus on one task at a time, and make sure it’s done to the best of your abilities—without having to fix it later!

Set Timers

Do you dread going through all your emails at the end of the day? Are you putting off phone calls—again? For all those tasks you are less than thrilled about, set a timer to get them done and once that time’s up, you can move on. Knowing that you only need to focus on your least favorite activities for a set amount of time could be just the motivation you need to power through them.

Take Breaks

Sitting for extended periods of time is not only bad for your health, but it can also zap your motivation and energy throughout the day as well. Take small breaks to get up and stretch, take a five minute walk and take the stairs whenever you can. These short bursts of activity will help get your blood flowing and re-energize you for the rest of the workday.

Get Organized

A messy desk (or desktop!) can not only be distracting, but hinder your productivity as well. Taking the time to keep all of your papers and files organize and easy to find will ultimately help you save time and get more done.

You can be happier and more productive and the right tools from Miller’s Supplies at Work can help! Call one of our office product experts to learn more today!

Topics: Productivity at Work Tips

Miller's Supplies At Work

Written by Miller's Supplies At Work

Headquartered in the Mid-Atlantic region, Miller’s supplies the office products and workplace solutions you need to run a productive, well-equipped work environment. From humble beginnings in 1971 to nationwide coverage offered today, we support you with convenient procurement tools, flexible solutions and personalized attention that ensures you’ll feel like our only customer.


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