You hear it all around you. The person sneezing in the cubicle next to you. Someone sneezing as they walk by your desk. It is flu and allergy season, and each year 5-20% of Americans will contract the influenza virus. In the workplace, we often focus on cleanliness of surface areas, but we may be missing something equally important – the air around us.
Bacteria is just as easily spread through the air we spend 8 hours a day breathing. Not only is sickness and allergies demoralizing for a workplace, but it is also counter-productive. Billions of dollars are lost each year due to illness and allergies. So how do we increase productivity during flu season?
Air filters are a huge help in decreasing the airborne bacteria that can afflict your workplace. Introducing air filters in your workplace can help to greatly decrease the amount of illness and spread of bacteria and allergens during this sensitive time of year.
As a premier office supply company in Virginia, Miller’s can offer you the solution you are looking for. Our office supplies in Virginia include a variety of air filters to help keep your workplace healthy and productive.