5 "Germiest" Places to be Aware of this back-to-school season

by Miller's Supplies At Work

The Alliance for Consumer Education estimates nearly 22 million school days are missed each year due to the common cold in the United States. Germs that cause colds live on desks, backpacks, door knobs and most commonly touched places. Students and instructors surrounded with a cloud of germs seriously jeopardize their health.

Did  you know germs can live up to 72 hours on common classroom surfaces?  Buses, classrooms and cafeterias can be easy places to pick up germs on a daily basis. While students pass through hallways and locker rooms germs tag-a-long. A study conducted by NSF, The Public Health and Safety Organization found the five germiest places at schools.

 1. Water fountain spigots. Whether in the classroom or cafeteria, drinking from the water fountain exposes students and instructors to germs.


5 germ filled places to be aware of


2. Cafeteria Trays. Germs travel from trays to utensils to mouths whether it’s planned or not.


germ filled placess to be aware of in school cafeterias trays


3. Faucets. Can’t even avoid germs while washing your hands? Clorox Disinfectant Wipes and Sanitizers are here to save the day!


germ filled places faucets in schools


4. Cafeteria PlatesA second place in cafeterias makes the list! Students are eating a nutritious meal… with a side of unwanted germs.


germ filled places in school cafeterias


 5. Keyboards. Is wiping down the keyboards in classes, libraries or computer labs on your students to-do-lists?


germ filled keyboards in school



Help provide a clean and healthy learning environment this school year. Consider equipping instructors and staff with Clorox professional cleaning supplies before germs get comfy and settle in to stay. 

Are there other germ filled places to be aware of  not on this list? Please share in the comments below and help make others aware.

Are you interested in developing a better environment with practices to reduce injuries, illnesses and absences at your school? Our facility solutions expert would be happy to help by conducting a site consultation


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Topics: Cleaning Supplies

Miller's Supplies At Work

Written by Miller's Supplies At Work

Headquartered in the Mid-Atlantic region, Miller’s supplies the office products and workplace solutions you need to run a productive, well-equipped work environment. From humble beginnings in 1971 to nationwide coverage offered today, we support you with convenient procurement tools, flexible solutions and personalized attention that ensures you’ll feel like our only customer.


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