There's a widespread perception that promoting a positive company image has to be expensive. Organizations often think office amenities or wellness initiatives need to be dramatic to have a positive impact on employees. Companies become convinced they need to build a gym or do something dramatic so their employees will have to notice. It’s much more practical to do small, inexpensive things for your employees that make their everyday lives better and healthier.
Why Employees Appreciate the Small Things
Not all of your employees will hit the company gym, participate in health screenings or engage in other wellness programs. However, if you provide something simple like PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer and PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes throughout work areas, employees are more likely to use these products on a daily basis. In fact, just placing PURELL™ products at restroom exits can have an impact because employees pass in and out of the restroom multiple times every day. Many companies underestimate the opportunity to enhance their image with something as straightforward as hand sanitizer and hand sanitizing wipes. However, the fact that employees are likely to use these products every day means there is a substantial opportunity to improve their view of the company.
Proven Outcomes: 88% of Employees Like the PURELL™ Advanced Workforce Solution
GOJO recently conducted a hand hygiene intervention and outcome study at the corporate offices of Medical Mutual of Ohio (MMO), a Fortune 1000 healthcare insurer. The study evaluated the impact of the PURELL™ Advanced Workforce Solution—a comprehensive hand hygiene program, which includes PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer and PURELL® Hand Sanitizing Wipes—had on an office environment. The study, “Impact of a Comprehensive Workplace Hand Hygiene Program on Employer Health Care Insurance Claims and Costs, Absenteeism, and Employee Perceptions and Practices,” which was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, found that among employees in the intervention group:
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Employees also said having PURELL™ products available throughout the office and at their workstations made them feel “more in control of their health and well-being” and “free to interact with co-workers without worrying about germs.” The PURELL™ Advanced Workforce Solution is highly affordable for all organizations—not just large companies—and is easy to implement. Best of all: its effectiveness is proven, both as a self-funding wellness initiative and a way to promote a positive company image.
Do you want to promote a positive office image and keep staff healthy? Miller’s offers a site survey to help you identify health and wellness opportunities for your office. Learn more about Miller's four site survey options today.
This content was originally published by GOJO here. We have republished this content with their permission.
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