How do you organize collaboration in your office? It’s truly an art and a science. However, collaboration can truly determine if the team is successful or not. Some teams are turning to post it notes to increase productivity, help shape their projects and encourage engagement. Here are some innovative ways to help your team collaborate.
Solutions For Your Office & Workplace
10 Tips to Help Create Collaboration For Your Team
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Productivity at Work Tips
5 Unique Employee Appreciation Ideas
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Productivity at Work Tips
Did you know Employee Appreciation Day is not celebrated the way it was intended? Some people are met with free donuts or lunch on the special day. What if employee appreciation was celebrated throughout the year? The co-creator of the day, Dr. Bob Nelson, believes employee appreciation should be continuous. Explore how you can celebrate employee appreciation in unique ways throughout the year.
5 Healthy Snacks to Keep In Your Office
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Other, Productivity at Work Tips
Snacks are an important part of the workday. A small serving between meals can help you reach the end of the day energized. Snacks can quickly cure afternoon munchies so it does not become a distraction between emails or phone calls. Explore five healthy snacks to keep in your office to help you and your team conquer the day.
5 Fun Autumn Activities for Your Office Team
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Productivity at Work Tips
If you’re starting to notice a lack of interest and motivation in the office, then it may be time for fun activities for your team. They are a great way to strengthen the bond between employees and reduce workplace stress. In addition, they are also fun. As Autumn takes the spotlight maintaining focus during the last few months of the year may be tough. Team activities may help keep your team cohesive and focused through end of year distractions. Here are a few team activities to embrace Autumn and engage your team.
7 Brain Foods to Help You Focus and Boost Productivity this Summer
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Other, Stress-free Workplace, Productivity at Work Tips
Summertime is for bar-b-cue’s, beach trips and ice cream. When daydreaming about your toes in the sand and enjoying warm weather is common. Did you know researchers found productivity drops 20 percent in the summer? Now is the best time to eat brain foods to help you focus and boost productivity. Here are seven brain foods to help you check off tasks on your to-do list until your next vacation.
5 Tips to Help You Return Back to Work After Vacation
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Stress-free Workplace, Productivity at Work Tips
You may be planning vacation with friends or family soon. While away you may spend time at clear water beaches, hiking or swimming with dolphins. The last thing on your mind is returning to work and the boatloads of tasks you’ll have waiting. Returning to piles of work is one of the reasons why Americans leave 577 million unused vacation days on the table every year. Here are a few tips to help you transition smoothly back to work after vacation.
Use 3 Colors to Improve Organization at Work
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Stress-free Workplace, Productivity at Work Tips
Have you ever felt unorganized at work? According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, 27 percent of people said they don't feel organized at work. You have a busy schedule, so it’s inevitable that your work space can get disorganized sometimes. There are many ways you can improve this. Here's an easy way to start prioritizing your work flow using colors.
How Having Conversations Over Coffee Can Impact Your Office
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Stress-free Workplace, Productivity at Work Tips
Did you know fifty-four percent of adults drink coffee every day? On average three cups a day are consumed before breakfast or between meals. During this time people may be on the way to their office or looking to coffee to help boost energy. We believe coffee can also help improve interoffice conversations among people we see everyday. Here are a few positive ways coffee can help impact your office environment.
6 Ways A Coffee Area Can Benefit Your Office
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Productivity at Work Tips
Did you know that about 77 percent of employees in the U.S. have a workplace coffee area? For many employees, coffee has become part of their daily routine. To some, it is the necessary fuel needed to get through the workday. More and more businesses are introducing or improving a coffee area. So employees can easily access coffee throughout the day. It may even give them the boost of energy they need!
By having a coffee machine, you are not adding a perk, but giving employees more benefits that come along with it. Here are 6 ways it can help your office:
How to Stay Motivated at Work & Prevent Procrastination
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Office Supplies, Productivity at Work Tips
In the office, it's easy for procrastination mode to kick in. Before a worker knows it, an hour has gone by while they have scribbled a shopping list or daydreamed about a vacation to Bermuda. It's not that workers don't want to stay motivated, but office life can get tedious – even for people who love their jobs. Our Washington office supply company has come up with a few tips to help you stay motivated and prevent procrastination.
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