Solutions For Your Office & Workplace

3 Questions to Consider Before Peak Cold and Flu Season

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

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According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study the peak month of the flu season is February. With brisk cooler temperatures every day the time to prepare facilities and offices for sniffles, sneezes and the flu is now. Please consider the questions below to anticipate the impact peak cold and flu season may have on your workplace.

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3 Things to Consider to Keep a Good Hygienic Experience in Your Office

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Other, Cleaning Supplies

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How many times have you touched only one single paper towel on the roll? It’s not impossible. But a perforated paper towel roll in breakrooms or restrooms can lead to spreading germs. Also, a study found only 12 percent of people wash their hands before eating.  So your lunch may not be safe after touching common surfaces in the breakroom. Encourage everyone to wash their hands often and have a proper hand drying system available. This blog explores three things you should know when evaluating the hygienic experience in your office.

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Understanding the True Financial Impact of Absenteeism

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

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It is difficult for most organizations to understand the financial impact of absences caused by employee illness. Healthcare claims and their affiliated costs may be more readily financially trackable, but absences also have far-reaching effects on productivity and operating expenses that are not as easy to quantify and control. This blog examines the true financial impact of unplanned absences caused by illness—and how to reduce both absenteeism and healthcare claims.

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Employee Wellness in the Open Office: How Layout Trends Affect the Spread of Germs

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

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Long gone are the Mad Men days when you could retire to a spacious, private office between meetings. The open office trend is here to stay, and for good reason: the layout can foster collaboration, a livelier interchange of ideas and a greater sense of belonging to the team. Surrounded by coworkers, even Don Draper might have spent less time moodily staring out the window.

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Myth: Promoting a Positive Company Image Can Be Expensive

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips

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There's a widespread perception that promoting a positive company image has to be expensive. Organizations often think office amenities or wellness initiatives need to be dramatic to have a positive impact on employees. Companies become convinced they need to build a gym or do something dramatic so their employees will have to notice. It’s much more practical to do small, inexpensive things for your employees that make their everyday lives better and healthier.

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Tips To Spring-Clean Your Breakroom

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies

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What do you think is the germiest place in your office? Most people may think it's the bathroom, but a Kimberly Clark Study: The Healthy Workplace Project, shows the breakroom is the germiest. With spring comes more pollen, that increase allergies and the spread of germs. Companies may have cleaning services visit on a regular basis and others rely on staff to keep spaces tidy. In either case, here are some tips to help spring-clean your breakroom and keep germs at bay.

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5 Things You Should Know About Using Ice Melt This Winter

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies

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Did you know there are over 40 million emergency room visits due to injuries over a year in the US? The National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care study found there are 10,612,000 visits due to unintentional falls. With the proper preparation you can prevent falls from happening on or near your facility this winter. Here are five things you should know about ice melt and how to successfully prepare your facility for a safe winter.

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5 "Germiest" Places to be Aware of this back-to-school season

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies

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The Alliance for Consumer Education estimates nearly 22 million school days are missed each year due to the common cold in the United States. Germs that cause colds live on desks, backpacks, door knobs and most commonly touched places. Students and instructors surrounded with a cloud of germs seriously jeopardize their health.

Did  you know germs can live up to 72 hours on common classroom surfaces?  Buses, classrooms and cafeterias can be easy places to pick up germs on a daily basis. While students pass through hallways and locker rooms germs tag-a-long. A study conducted by NSF, The Public Health and Safety Organization found the five germiest places at schools.

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5 Easy Steps to Keep a Medical Office Clean

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies

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study found more than 100,000 deaths linked to infections patients received at hospitals. Taking the proper steps toward cleaner waiting rooms, medical equipment and devices can save lives. In a healthcare environment, a deeper clean is needed to ensure unwanted bacteria is not transferred to an ill patient or person with a weak immune system.

 A Chicago Tribune reporter found through investigation that disinfectant must remain on surfaces and other areas for at least five minutes and then wiped off. A busy  provider might unintentionally  disinfect too quickly when  a patient in need  grabs their attention.

Your team will thank you for reminding them of these simple ways to keep their environment clean with professional cleaning supplies.


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How to Keep Your Office Breakrooms Clean with 5 Tips

by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies

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Are you taking a break or fighting germs?  In just one hour germs from one person can reach up to 60 percent of the staff in your office. Though we can’t see them, germs find a way to make us sick.

How many of your staff touch door knobs, and fridge or microwave handles exposing themselves to unseen germs? Buttons and handles remain full of unwanted germs if not cleaned normally with professional cleaning supplies.  These five tips will help your office staff avoid germs while in the breakroom.

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