Solutions For Your Office & Workplace
Need for PPE Soars for Every Industry as Country Prepares to Reopen for Business
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Cleaning Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work
An Important Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Miller’s Supplies At Work
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Miller's Supplies at Work, Cold and Flu Prevention Tips
At Miller’s, we take the health of our staff, customers and community very seriously, and we wanted to share with you the steps we’re taking to ensure that everyone has the information they need to protect themselves from and prevent the spread of the COVID-19. We are actively following the CDC guidelines for workplace and commercial business and we are sharing those guidelines with you as well.
12 Ways to Create a Less Stressful Workplace & Boost Productivity
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Miller's Supplies at Work, Stress-free Workplace, Office Space Planning, Office Furniture Services
Help Fight Hunger in Our Local Communities With Your Printing Supplies
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Community Events
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Miller's Supplies at Work, Community Events
Going back to school represents a fresh start for most. It’s a chance to learn, expand your mind and ultimately grow into the person you were meant to be.
Miller's Supplies at Work Gives Over 800 Students Back-to-School Donations
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Miller's Supplies at Work
There’s a buzz during your morning commute, a refreshed focus on new tasks and a chill in the air as summer slips away. Bright yellow buses return to highways and welcome back-to-school season. During this season, Miller’s Supplies at Work takes pride in supporting the local community by donating supplies to students in need. This blog post shares three opportunities we were grateful to be a part of to help our next generation of leaders.
Your New Website Has Arrived in Style
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Office Furniture Services
Welcome to your new website! As you explore the site, we’d like to share some of its valuable features.
Here’s a snapshot of what you can view on the shiny, new
3 Tips That Will Help You Clear Out Your Inbox after a Vacation
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Office Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Productivity at Work Tips
It is vital to your mental health that you unplug from work and spend some time on vacation. As wonderful as that feeling is while you're away from the office, when you return to see the state of your inbox, you may regret ever taking your vacation in the first place.
5 Things You Never Knew about Miller’s Supplies at Work
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Office Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Stress-free Workplace, Office Space Planning
Miller’s Supplies at Work just had its 45th anniversary! To celebrate these many years of service and dedication, here are five things you most likely didn’t know about our Washington D.C. office supply company.
And the Ugliest Chair Goes To…
by Miller's Supplies At Work posted in Coffee and Beverage Services, Office Supplies, Miller's Supplies at Work, Stress-free Workplace, Office Space Planning
After receiving hundreds of great entries for our Ugly Chair Contest, we are excited, and a bit frightened, to announce the winners! During our examinations of all the submissions, we cringed at a handful of hideous, horrific, and horrendous pieces of furniture, but none were quite as appalling or cringeworthy as our victors. So without further ado, we present you the winners of Miller’s Supplies at Work’s Ugly Chair Contest 2016.
Miller’s would love to support your workplace. Let us know how we can help.